Thursday, 21 February 2013

14th -18th February 2013 (Paihaia)

We arrive in Paihaia on the 14th of February 2013, we got to our apartment, me and vicki went to sit by the pool after unpacking because we were in the car for so long we were so hot.

So, on the second day we caught the ferry from Paihaia Harbour to get on a boat that took us to see some dolphins on a "dolphin" cruise ship run my explore nz, it also took us towards the hole in the rock there was alot of dolphins to see they were following the boat on the way there, the sailor stopped the boat so we could take videos and photographs. I have a video on youtube for you to look at that I have put together with the dolphins on, It was fantastic I had never seen a dolphin before. 

This will take you to my video on youtube.

This is me and Vicki in Russell we went across on the ferry from Paihaia, I am stood outside the oldest church in Russell.

I dont remember which day it was but we went to Haruru falls, which is just round the corner from where we stayed, beautiful place but there wasnt enough running water to make a full waterfall.


  1. I saw the video of the dolphins and loved it. You are so lucky to see them in the wild because I have never seen onebb

  2. Woohoo! Lovely, Lucy, and good to see you posting again! Glad you are all together and having a great time. Love to you all xx

  3. That dolphin pic is fab. Well done!
