Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Actually no here are the pictures from Devenport!

Lovely place, my camera went on the blink thats why I wasnt going to put any pictures on.

Hey Folks, Blogging from Tauranga (27th Feb 2013)

We are currently in Tauranga, Mount Mauganui.
We are having a fabulous time, got some pictures for you right here.
I have pictures from Devenport when we went the other day but, i put quite a few on from last time we went im sure we will go again!

Me been daft on a rock

 view of our hotel from the beach
picture of part of the beach

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Takapuna 21st feb 2013

Went to Takapuna to the beach, we had our lunch on the beach I had a samosa that I bought from the pita bread shop, they sell alsorts of different things, for example they make turkish bread, samosa and curry and things that you can take out for lunch

dad has got the pics yet again watch this space :)

20th February 2013 Auckland zoo

Me mum and Vicki went to Auckland Zoo, my second time, there first time, dad dropped us off whilst he went for a wonder around Auckland city, didnt know where else he ended up, but he told us he saw the Queen Elizabeth Ship docked in at the harbour, after he picked us up we went to have a look.

(find that picture luce dads got it somewhere)

More pictures at 
thats my facebook link.

Anyway back to the zoo,these are some pictures I took, these are some of the best ones that I took.

Look im stood under a giant Elephant
 I found a little friend, do you know what sort of bird he is ? I have forgotten, oops
This elephant is called Burma, we had to wait a while for pictures because she was out on her walk, the zoo keepers take her out on a walk round the zoo so she doesnt have to stay in her pen or her own, her friend elephant passed away so we was very sad, this was about 5 years ago. I think its called enrichment so they know where they are and what there surroundings are.
She was having a cool down when she got back the zoo keeper sprayed her with the hosepipe she loved it, then in the end she went to throw sand on top of her self to cool down abit more.

14th -18th February 2013 (Paihaia)

We arrive in Paihaia on the 14th of February 2013, we got to our apartment, me and vicki went to sit by the pool after unpacking because we were in the car for so long we were so hot.

So, on the second day we caught the ferry from Paihaia Harbour to get on a boat that took us to see some dolphins on a "dolphin" cruise ship run my explore nz, it also took us towards the hole in the rock there was alot of dolphins to see they were following the boat on the way there, the sailor stopped the boat so we could take videos and photographs. I have a video on youtube for you to look at that I have put together with the dolphins on, It was fantastic I had never seen a dolphin before. 

This will take you to my video on youtube.

This is me and Vicki in Russell we went across on the ferry from Paihaia, I am stood outside the oldest church in Russell.

I dont remember which day it was but we went to Haruru falls, which is just round the corner from where we stayed, beautiful place but there wasnt enough running water to make a full waterfall.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Cruise - Isles Of Pines

this is the ship  from the Beach in the isle of pines
this is the sign telling you where you were
we had to get on this tender if there was no port where we went, this took your from the ship to the island.

Cruise 23rd January - 28th January 2013

This is the pool on the ship.
Most important I had a great time and I would do it again.

this was my sea-pass to get on and off the ship. The coca cola sticker was something dad got me, you had to pay about $70 for a soda sticker so every time you wanted your (free) flask filling up with soda you just show them this and youll get it, you can put water and your own drinks in from the buffet area.

Cruise - Sydney 23rd January 2013

We flew to Sydney on the 23rd of January 2013 at 7:30am in the morning, we then walked round Sydney Circular Quay until we were called onto the Rhapsody Of the Seas cruise ship, it was ofcourse docked into the Quay, we got on about 2pm.
We left our suitcases by the ship beforehand so we could walk round Sydney whilst other passengers got on.
We then boarded the ship went through security, we were issued with our sea pass card which allowed us to buy things on board, it also was your room key, they werent really rooms they were more like studios.
You also needed it to get on and off the ship, when visiting the islands.
The ship set sail at about 6pm we saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge, whilst leaving so I took some pictures.

We also saw the Sydney Opera House from the ship which was fantastic I had never seen in before.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

sydney airport 3rd feb 2013

Just in Sydney airport waiting to be called to our get to fly back to Auckland. Ill put my pictures on from the cruise sometime this week. bye for now x